You CAN still buy without selling


Yes You can buy without selling. Here are your options:

1) List your house today and once it is listed, start looking for homes but wait until the inspection and appraisal contingency is through to place an offer on a house you want.

2) Place a contingency upon your house selling. This means the seller of the house you want will accept your offer contingent on if you put your house on the market within 48 hours. if the seller receives another offer before you accept an offer on your home, they can use the kick-out clause and give you 48 hours to move forward to accept the offer or withdraw your offer.

3) Take out a Bridge Loan. This is when you reach out to a lender and they review your financial situation and gap the money from your house you want to sell to the one your buying.

Article Information from the Real Estate Journal Los Angeles

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT THE BEST OPTION FOR YOU TO PURCHASE IN 2020-2021, reach out to Donny and he will advise you of your best option.

Donny Orlando